Thursday, 14 February 2013

Christopher Metz

Christian Metz (December 12 1931 - September 7 1993) was a French film theorist.

Metz believed that there's a strucure which people must follow in order for the audience to enjoy the film.
These 4 stages where:

Stage 1: Experimentation: The early stages - setting up buildint blocks for future texts of the genre. This is when the generic genre. This is when the generic codes + conventions are being developed
Stage 2: Classic: Text which become seen as ironic of the set codes and conventions
Stage 3: Parody: Media texts which mock the codes and conventions of the genre, becoming farical

Stage 4: Deconstruction: Text which begin to unpick the well established codes and conventions to form hybrids and often 'unconventional' texts from the genre

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