Thursday, 14 February 2013

Gunther Kress

Gunther Kress Born 29th November 1940. He is a professor of semiotics and education at the Institute of education of the University of London.
Theory: 'Genre envoles with society'.
Kress believes that the sequencing to staging (Metz Theory) is relevant. He also feels that genre changes and new genres are developed when situations begin to recur. If genre entirely overlaps in other social processes, it means that unless we view society itself as static then neither social structures, social processes nor therefore genre are static.
He argues that genre only exists in so far as a social group declares and enforced the rules.
Genres provide a frameworks where texts are produced and are interpreted. Kress believes that texts are full of assumptions of the ideal reader such as their attitude toward a certain matter which could be based on ethnicity, class, ages and gender etc.

Two examples of how societal beliefs have changed over two decades:
The way in which woman are protayed:
2005: Artist - 50cent Song - Candy Shop
In this music video woman are protrayed to be inferior to men and are seen in a very sexual way. We see in this music video a mansion full of woman with large breasts wearing lingerie, this is typing to protray the vision on the playboy manision. We also see that the only male protagonist is the video is 50cent who is surrounded by these half naked woman. By using a variety of closes up of the woman the artist is trying to create a sexual scene.
2011: Artist - Nicki Minaj Song - Superbass
From looking at the 50cent video we are able to see that woman are seen inferior however six years later Nicki Minaj's video Superbass shows a whole different idea to how woman are seen. In the music video she is seen to be dominant. We are able to see how she is surrounded by half naked males. Also the song is rap based, showing the audience that woman can have something in common with men.
2000: Artist - Eminem Song - Kim
In this video we see how Eminem hates his ex-wife and how he has hatred for woman through the lyrics of this song. From the lyrics we are able to see how the artist wants to murder her. This video is mostly based on domestic violance caused by a man leading to the woman suffering.

2011: Artist - Rihanna Song - Man Down
On the other hand the video Man Down by Rihanna portrays how music videos have shifted with time, as it is about a women shooting a man who raped her the night before. The video shows causing suffering to the male instead of the female.


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